Setting up a Shift with Advanced Settings


The Advanced tab allows you define how the shift will round as well as other options.

  1. Choose Setup in the navigation list.
  2. From the slide out menu, select Shifts.
  3. Choose + New.
  4. Enter an identifier for the shift at the Name field. Configure your desired shift settings under the Shift tab.
  5. Go to the Advanced tab.
  6. Under Round In Punches, select how punches will round that are calculated as In punches.
  7. Under Round Out Punches, select how punches will round that are calculated as Out punches.
  8. If you want the total hours for the shift to display on the day the shift ended, select Apply Hours to Date of Out Punch.
  9. If you want to allow employees to combine their breaks if necessary, select Allow Combined Breaks.
  10. If you wish to restrict when employees can punch at the clock, select Shift Uses Lockouts. At the Lockout any Punches Before field enter the time when punches will start to be accepted at the clock. At the Lockout any Punches After field enter the time when punches will no longer be accepted at the clock.
  11. If this shift crosses midnight, select Shift Crosses Midnight.
  12. If this shift is more than 25 hours, select Multiple Day Shift.
  13. Once complete, select Save.


Wed 12/05/2018